La red EARN

Userid again

De los archivos de CIUB-L

      Tue, 28 Oct 86 14:32:39 HOE
: Llista Interna del ClUB <CIUB-L@EBOUBOll>
Llista Interna del ClUB <CIUB-L@EBOUBOll>
Jose Maria Blasco Comellas <ZCCBJBC@EBOUBOll>
ions, aquest cap d'un que es diu Eric:
c: An argument against ZCCBJBC: it's not polite to have people who
c: seek information from your node to have to write down an awful
c: userid on a scrap of paper when they quit NODES to enter MAIL.
c: I *hate* C0033001 & co.
faig unes consideracions sobre el camp account)
c: That's how we have unprefixed account names for staff here :-)
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