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El «Listserv Coordination Board» a 18 de octubre de 1986

Archivo de configuración de la lista mundial de coordinadores de LISTSERV, en la que figura Josep Maria Blasco en su código de la Universitat de Barcelona (EB0UB011) [18 de octubre de 1986].

* Listserv Coordination Board
* Review= Public Subscription= Closed Send= Public
* Files= Yes Reply-to= List,Respect Stats= None
* Validate= All commands Notebook= Yes,A,Single
* Owner= ERIC@FRECPll (Eric Thornas)
* Subseription to this list is restricted to the members oE the Listserv
* Coordination Board (also known as "Listserv Coordinators")
ZCCBJBC@EBOUBOll Jose Maria Blasco -- Southern Europe
ERIC@FRECPll Eric Thomas -- Master Coord.
SYSBJAV@TCSVM John Voigt -- USA (Southwest)
HAROLD@UGA Harold C. Pritchett -- USA (Southeast)
* Total nurnber of users subscribed to the list: 4
* Total number of local node users on the list: 1
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